Priests of the Nemeton
Rev Jeremiah Lennox
Archdruid of the Nemeton Founder of the Nemeton of the Ways
“...who dare take on himself their rights, the responsibilities of another human soul? Nothing strengthens the judgment and quickens the conscience like individual responsibility. Nothing adds such dignity to character as the recognition of one’s self-sovereignty...”
Reverend Geoff Lundy/Grey Fox
I have been on a wandering spiritual journey; some mainstream, most not, since leaving my mother’s
church in the early seventies. Some of those years seemed stagnant times, but they all contribute to the growth which still unfolds. I worked solitary for much of the time, when I wasn’t in synagogue or mandir. Starting about 2003 I encountered local fellow travelers in the pagan community at the now defunct Triple Goddess. We started celebrating full moons, dark moons, the wheel of the year and other holidays as a group, which morphed into the Circle. I was honored as elder because I was older than everyone else, and I endeavored to fulfill that role. After a few years the Circle ended as we physically moved too far apart for our gatherings, but after three years of introspection (I joined AA) I started with Rev James (Bacchus) Gardner and Amy (Phoenix Feather) Nolte, original Circle members, the Blue Line Circle. We celebrated and explored as the Circle had, adding a few ordinations along the way, congratulations. Jeremiah and Vicky. We joined and visited other groups, sharing rituals and learning I was elevated to Sage (sprinkle with herbs, but don’t stick a fork in me I aint done yet) by the pagan community at a Harvest Moot several years ago. Then as other groups expanded, and filled roles in or engaged the community in ways that TBLC were not, but longed to do, the two elders (James and I) and our wise woman (Amy) merged the Blue Line Circle with the Nemeton of the Ways. |
Rev. Josetta “Josy” Jenkins-Smith
Dean of the College of Priests
Priestess of the Nemeton Rev Josy is an initiated Mambo Asogwe of Haitian Vodou who has been following a pagan path for many years. With an additional background in Hoodoo, witchcraft, astrology, and energy work, Josy’s main mission is to help others to realize and reclaim their own personal power. She also has a passion for activism, and a deep desire to see change that benefits people and communities that have, too long, gone under served.
As of Samhain 2020, Rev Josy took on the mantle of Dean of the College of Priests of the Nemeton. |
Rev Zackery "Lynx" Coonrad
Auxiliary Archdruid of the Nemeton of the Ways
Druid of the Cervidae Originally from upstate New York, Lynx has been a practicing pagan since 2006. Rev Lynx’s “Path” is best described as Totemic or Animistic Druidry, preferring work with Nature and Animal guides.
He came to paganism while serving time inside the NYS Corrections system. For 2 years Lynx taught and facilitated Pagan & Wicca religious studies & Services at various correctional institute in New York. He continued his Prison Ministry service from 2009 up until 2015 when he moved to Columbus. As an ordained Keeper of the Nemeton, Lynx has been specifically charged to carry the Seed of the Grove into the world to nurture and develop sacred spaces throughout the Land. As of Samhain 2020, Rev Lynx took on the mantle of Auxiliary Archdruid of the Nemeton of the Ways. |
Rev. Phillip John Cooke
Voice of Guardians of the Cervidae
Rev. Cooke has been a practicing pagan of various shapes for 25+ years. Currently focuses his practice on Aegean customs and pantheons (Hellenic focus) and oracular work.
He has been a member of Green Faerie Grove for over a decade, and served as high priest of the security team for the Between the Worlds Men's Gather for almost as long. Currently security for the Nemeton of the Cervidae of Columbus, Ohio and active clergy member. |
Dedicant Priests of the Nemeton
- Dulcinea Hawksworth
- Asher Miller
* For the purposes of The Nemeton of the Ways, the term “priest” is to be considered a gender-neutral title and shall be used to describe duly ordained clergy of any sex. Clergy may choose to be styled as “priestess” should that be their preference.