Change, Growth & the nemetonBy Rev. Lynx Over the past few months the Nemeton of the the Ways, like a reflection of nature, has gone through a number of changes and growth spurts. As a budding collective of different faiths, practices and Self we often need to take a step back and reevaluate how the Nemeton is functioning and filling the needs of each of Her communities across the country.
The biggest reflection of this is the newly merged website. Combining information, events and resources into a single site for all 3, and future, Nemeta. We've streamlined content and the Nemeton blog to better reflect the Ways that make up our Clergy, Community and Educators. Speaking of education, here soon we will be back on schedule for regular blog posts to share with everyone. We have a few new educators that joined up and we're hard at work creating curricula and classes to appease everyone's taste and level. Besides classes to educate about the Nemeta and our core tenets, beliefs & Ways we have a number of folk working on classes from Runes to Ancestor veneration and much much more and we look forward to sharing these lessons and experiences with the community soon. Some will be done here on the blog, some will be in person classes and we're currently working out the details about holding some Webinar classes for remote participation. A lot of things in the works and we are all eager for the growth. Changes come, and we just keep rolling with them and making the most. Be sure to check your local Nemeta's calendar for all their events, rituals and more. Be well, walk well, be blessed and be a blessing to each other.